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21 January 2014

Watch This Space

The very first post I wrote on this blog in January 2010 was titled, "Watch This Space", and I wrote it while I was packing for my semester abroad in Florence. This blog was originally intended to be a chronicle of that experience - a hopeful blank corner of the interwebs waiting to be filled with amazing travel experiences and pictures and accounts of la dolce vita. I did actually write a few posts throughout that spring, but of course not as often as I had hoped (especially considering I had a solid 4 hour window every week that I killed time between classes in the campus computer lab, now that I think of it). I also tried to write a bit after I got back, but there never seemed to be anything to write about as I busied myself with "life as usual", i.e. classes and internships and such. It just didn't seem very interesting to me at the time. And so it went as it always seems to go: blogs started with good intentions but ultimately left un-updated for months and years at a time.

Since I've finished school and entered 'the real world', I've had a bit more time and brain space to think/interact with the world in general - just enough to realize that my education, in the general sense, has only just begun.  I've always liked having a space to ramble a little and sort out my thoughts, so I think it's high time to kick this little blog into gear again.

I've never been big on new year's resolutions, but as 2014 approached, I did feel that the new year would be a good marker to get some long-simmering goals in gear, for my own sake. We all have those projects we mean to get started on in the vague "future"/"soon", but as they say, there's no better time than the present, and I'm already three weeks behind now!

For posterity, the big-ticket items I have in mind are:

1. Write more in general (with the aim of improving and giving myself space to reflect on things).
2. Learn enough HTML/CSS to be able to build/update a basic site.
3. Learn Photoshop well enough to make basic graphics.
4. Brush up on my very, very elementary Chinese/French/Korean.
(*5. As an extra bonus goal, maybe I can venture into photography too? I've always planned to eventually get myself a Big Girl Camera and take fancy pictures.)

Bringing this blog back to life is the perfect fit to the first three, and I'm hoping more general proactiveness will bring about some progress on the fourth.

Most successful blogs tend to focus deeply on one topic, but as I'm not an expert in any one thing, I decided to write about all the things I'm interested in, so that this blog is like a collection of my thoughts and interest in a variety of topics that I occasionally mull about. This is liable to include any amount of random things, but major topics will include travel, ballroom, movies/TV, and college/career stuff. I'd also like to write about random news/current events, internet findings, and other errant thoughts. Occasionally, I blog for DramaFever News - inevitably some of that will leak over as well.

So this January 2014, I again ask you to please 'watch this space' as I hopefully make it much prettier and fill it with writing. Please check back and comment with your comments! =)

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